Social Services professionals have been at the front edge of much of the community response to ACEs and are creating exciting and novel approaches to trauma responsive care. Social Services are often at the crossroads of community challenges where family disruption, child and youth behavioral issues, economic burden, and social disruption all must be addressed. Social Services agencies and individuals around the country are noting significant advantages from adopting trauma responsive approaches to care:

  • A decrease in significant social issues such as domestic violence, addiction, teen pregnancy and other children and youth health issues
  • Improved ability to work from a preventive approach that addresses intergenerational issues and improves family well-being overall
  • Better use of scarce resources to address the root cause of issues rather than continually responding to crisis situations

Social Services professionals also report personal advantages:

  • More effective use of time to focus on issues that have actual long-term impact
  • Reduced caseloads from helping to resolve problems at earlier stages
  • Better coordination of care resulting in better outcomes for everyone in the system
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