This application is for the initial cohort of Master Trainers who will participate in an intensive training session conducted by Dr. Rob Anda and Laura Porter on September 17-18 and September 25, 2020. All Master Trainers will be required to attend the full session and to make a commitment to provide an average of one presentation per month for the three-year period of implementation. Up to 30 Master Trainers will be selected, roughly 10 each for Eastern Rockingham, Strafford, and York Counties. Master Trainers will also be selected to ensure a balanced representation of different professional groups including education, law enforcement, social services, and other community sectors. Individuals who are not invited as Master Trainers in this first round will automatically be invited to serve as Community Champions.

Please note: Prior to Covid-19, the Master Trainer session was scheduled to be in-person on September 17th and 18th from 9-6 each day. We are pleased to be able to continue to offer this program in a virtual format. However, to prevent Zoom burnout, and increase the opportunities for building relationships within the cohort, the intensive training has been broken up into three shorter days, with one 2-hour orientation. Participants are expected to attend all of these dates – September 10, 17, 18, and 25 – with some accommodations made for make-ups if absolutely necessary.

For additional program information consult the Pinetree Institute website here or email [email protected].