The ACEs Awareness Initiative carries the message of Adverse Childhood Experiences and trauma responsive approaches throughout the Seacoast NH and Southern ME region. Master Trainers are providing presentations to every sector of the community, striving to reach as many people as possible in the three-year period ending late 2023. The Master Trainers have been through a rigorous training program led by national leaders in the field.
The Initiative targets the following populations with tailored approaches to each:
- Professionals serving ACEs-impacted populations: educators, mental health counselors, law enforcement officers, justice system professionals, medical practitioners, faith leaders, and others working with traumatized individuals and families.
- Business and community leaders, particularly executives and HR personnel; members, staff, and volunteers of civic organizations and other nonprofits; and other engaged citizens who are affected by the challenges of dealing with ACEs.
- General public: parents, grandparents and families; school age children; young adults; and individuals who are experiencing health issues due to the impact of ACEs.
Similar master trainer programs throughout the country have led to a dramatic increase in a community’s ability to address ACEs, boosting positive health outcomes for children and families.
For more information, or to schedule a presentation for your group, please click here.